foreverlovedlex- About Me

about me art digital fine art painting practice

Hello Everyone, 

My name is Alexus deBraganza. I am foreverlovedlex. I make all types of art; painting, printmaking, digital, ceramics, and so much more. I have always been an artist; I can remember finding joy in making art from a very young age and I must have shown talent because my parents have always supported me and pushed me toward my dreams.

I went to York College of Pennsylvania for my Bachelors in Fine Arts; I graduated in 2018. I fell in love with painting when I was in high school. I had to the best teacher Ms. Gallo who made me paint so many pears that I could probably do it with my eyes closed. So with my love of painting I made it my main focus in college.

Painting gives me such peace. Every time I look at a color or pick up a paint brush I have a feeling that I cant describe so I put it on canvas. Every piece that I make has a part of my soul in it. I make abstract art because I believe that art should make you feel. I do not want someone to look at my work and go wow that is a lovely vase; I want people to look at my art and say wow this makes me feel. It does not matter the feeling it just has to be one and one that will always make a memory in a persons life.

Art can be made by anyone no matter if you think you are good or not; you can make art. Art is a practice; sure there can be people born with natural talent but talent can also require training and practice. I hope that not only does my art make you feel, I want it to inspire people to make art of their own. Being an artist means the world to me and I want to share it with the world. 

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